Gallery 1 - Melbourne

Please review the following photographs at your leisure.

Melbourne is my home town, so these are only a selection of photos I have. They’re a mix of architectural shots, Melbourne views and street photography and a bit of a tour around our city.

If there’s anything you want to buy as a print, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on one of the thumbnails.

Have fun!

Flinders Street Station is one of those classic landmarks in Melbourne and we can see why.

Another Melbourne landmark and popular institution is Pellegrinis on Bourke Street.

A view inside Pelegrinis during the evening coffee rush.

Some of Melbourne’s famous street art in Hosier Lane.

I really liked this one (also in Hosier Lane). I know the ballerina drawings are famous (French artist I think), but for the life of me can’t find out who it is. Anyone that knows and wants to E-mail me is most welcome.

A very colourful little eatery on Degraves Street, near Finders Street Station.

The Webb pedestrian bridge over the Yarra River at the west end of Melbourne. Eye catching architecture.

Another view of Webb Bridge, but from the inside this time.

A colourful restaurant scene in Block Place in Melbourne's centre.

Another Block Place restaurant scene. Not as colourful (I suppose it is in black and white), but interesting subjects.

Interesting faces sketched onto pages torn out of a dictionary and pasted to a building column in Degraves Street.

View from Hosier Lane of a picture on the side of the NGV Building in Flinders Street. She seemed fascinated by the shoes hanging from the powerline.

The back end of Princess Peer (at sunset).

The underside of Princess Peer.

A view from the steps of Flinders Street Station and the 5 pm rush home. I was after the different expressions on people and I think I got a good sample here.

One of the very artistic portraits on the wall of a power substation in Easey Street, Collingwood. The entire neighbourhood is covered in very good quality graffiti.

More graffiti in Bond Street, Collingwood, this one around the corner from the previous one. The graffiti is periodically changed, so worth multiple visits.

My waiter at an outdoor cafe in Degraves Street. I had the feeling he wanted to be somewhere else.

The sun setting behind the Westgate Bridge, as seen from Princess Pier. Yes, yet another photo from Princess Pier (a very productive afternoon).

I must admit this one had me, and still has me, thinking about what the poster actually means. I’ll leave you to ponder its meaning …...most Aussies are descended from immigrants?..….everyone is an “Aussie”?…...??? (opposite Flinders Street Station)

My “red” view of China town in Lt Bourke Street. Get it… red…China. Yes I know, a bad Dad joke.

The Bolte Bridge viewed from River Esplanade, Docklands.

This one reminded my of the Beatles Abbey Road album cover. Perhaps the “Fab 3 Plus 1” or maybe “The Fab 4 minus 1”? (west end of Flinders Street Station)

Click on any of the following thumbnails to purchase a print.

My homeless friend here is called Turtle because he always carries a large backpack. His normal haunt is around Degraves Street.


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